Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tears & Butterfly Effect

A Tear dropped down  her eyes,
As she went into her room.
"When will all the pain end?",She thought,
"When is the day of Doom?"

Her heart ached and eyes cried,
But no one was there to care.
She took a knife and cut herself,
How much does she dare?

The blood spilled all across the floor,
Just the way her tears flew.
She sat there and waited,
For someone to get a clue.

But no one came,
It was just her and her pain.
She walked to her window, And
out there was heavy rain.

She went out and got drenched,
And she found her pain shared.
The nature was crying with her,
Showing that the Gods cared.

She felt much better,
As soon as she found it out, 
That there was always someone to care,
So, no reason to cry about.

She wiped her tears,
And looked up at the sky.
She smiled and said,
"I'll never know Why".

Everything became fine,
As the scars began to heal.
She won't cut again, she promised,
Keeping it was a big deal.

There are so many people in this world who CUT themselves as they are not able to face the pain that they face. Isn't this cruel? Not the PAIN. The thing that they Hurt themselves? 
First thing is that, they are not the only ones who Suffer in life.Every single person would have faced Difficulties in life. Hiding yourself from it and cutting yourself would be cowardly. When so many people have the guts to face it, why cant they?
I have one question to those who Cut themselves. You Cut yourself. Will it Erase all your troubles? 
It doesn't right? Its just a way for you to hurt yourself more. 
I had cut myself once. I regret that I ever Did it, but I did learn a lesson from it.

What I learned, you ask?
Hmm! I Learned that LIFE is much more than pain and stuff. Once you pass through those moments, there is so much out there which can make you happy. If I have to know the meaning of HAPPY then I have go through PAIN right? Without that I won't be able to respect the Happy Moments.

Next thing was that, MY PARENTS didn't Slog all day at work, and took so much trouble to Bring me up just so that I could go and Kill myself. They have gone through double the trouble to Make Me who I am now. When they could go through so much, then Can't I go through a little bit of trouble? Its nature of Life right?

Third was that, LIFE is a precious thing. We could have been anything. A Dog, A Cat, Even a COCKROACH, but NO, we were given the LIFE of HUMANS, The most intelligent beings on earth.We have been gifted with this LIFE so that we can live through it and achieve something. And not to run away from every little things.

When, there are so many GOOD THINGS in LIFE, then why Hurt yourself for something BAD that has happened? You may have many troubles, but once you FACE them you'll know that there is so much to enjoy. 

Its a BIG request from my side to all those who cut yourselves, PLEASE DONT DO IT. Your life is really precious. And there are many people in this world who would give ANYTHING to be in your position today. Life is not as bad as it looks. So please, Be Brave and Don't hurt yourselves.

BUTTERFLY EFFECT is a really good way to get over this CUTTING mania. Please take a look it and try to implement it in your life. 

Thank you.


  1. Touching poem, right from the heart. Beautiful.

  2. Awesome.
    And a great Message.

    Nicely written.

    And I think people cut themselves to end the troubles and escape from this life, if I am not wrong.

  3. Beautifully written.. very soul wrenching. Loved it Poo.

  4. That was very touchy and i never expected such touchy one from SMILEY GIRL !

  5. hmmmm...a surprise post from u...nice and touchy...good one... :)

  6. Giving up is a terrible thing and the way you have profoundly conveyed the msg shows how amazing you and your thoughts are...
    Sweet things in life...:)

  7. I am one of these people I'd say... but to be honest, i regret my decision to cut myself not because i think it is an ineffective way to "fix" the problem but because i didn't succeed in dying.
    I've been told, over and over again, that I was lucky that I kept missing each time... i don't think so. lovely poem by the way...

  8. beautiful.... thanks for sharing....

  9. That s too intense and very touchy work. Loved the butterfly effect concept. nice initiative.

  10. I am glad you took out all the right lessons from pain.. definitely not easy and kudos to you for that! Such a heart warming post, I wish you never go through any troubles in your life again and keep smiling always :)

  11. Awsome,Pricess!...and heart writhing,and superbly poignant!

  12. brilliant. I always wonder why people do that, and hurt themselves even more! But I have one problem... that twitter thing always comes to my damn reading line! where d'ya get that from?

  13. @Kinara
    :) :)

    Thanks a lot :) :D.
    And you are perfectly right :).

    @Kajal Jhi
    Thanks a lot jhi :D :) :D.
    Glad you loved it :).

    Hehe :D. Thanks :). I'm full of surprises ;).
    Thanks again :D.

    Thanks a lot jhi :)

    Ahan! Thanks a lot for appreciating me and my blog :D :).
    Thanks again :).
    Indeed sweet :) :D.

    Hmm! Thats not right. Why do you want to die jhi? As I have said above, Your Mother didn't go through 9 months of intolerable pain and give birth to you so that you can kill yourself right? Everything will be ok. Get a grip :). FORGIVE and FORGET :D :).

    Thanks :) :D :D.

    @Leo Paw
    Thanks a lot Leo :D :). Its a really awesome concept :). Glad you like it :D :).

    @Arti Deedi
    Thanks Di :) :D.
    Wow :) Thats a really sweet wish :D :).
    Thanks a lot Diii :D :).
    Lots of love :* :D

    @AmitAag Jhi
    Thanks a lot jhi :) :D.

    Thank you so much :) :D.

    Thanks a lot :) :D.
    Hmm! There are many reasons :| :(. They just need someone to understand them and be with them through tough times, and when they won't get anyone, they go mad and do such stuff.

    Hehehe! Yeah,My little BIRDIE loves getting me followers :D :P. Its an add-on :).

  14. I am not a fan of sentimental writings, but this one had me glued from the beginning to the end.
    The poem was simply fantastic! nd the rest of the post too.
    Before I say anything else, ur birdie is disturbing me :-(
    Nyway, back to the point. I believe, there are always more happy things, than sad things about us. But, people are so blinded by sorrow and tears, they cant see beyond. It is just the point of view which matters. Instead of loathing at life for being cruel, one should always appreciate the fact that each bad experience develops our wisdom, and makes us emotionally stronger.

    Just hold on tight,
    enjoy the ride,
    in the end
    U will be all right!
    (howz the poem? made it up right now)

  15. I am not a fan of sentimental writings, but this one had me glued from the beginning to the end.
    The poem was simply fantastic! nd the rest of the post too.
    Before I say anything else, ur birdie is disturbing me :-(
    Nyway, back to the point. I believe, there are always more happy things, than sad things about us. But, people are so blinded by sorrow and tears, they cant see beyond. It is just the point of view which matters. Instead of loathing at life for being cruel, one should always appreciate the fact that each bad experience develops our wisdom, and makes us emotionally stronger.

    Just hold on tight,
    enjoy the ride,
    in the end
    U will be all right!
    (howz the poem? made it up right now)

  16. Beautifully written and very touching.

  17. An important issue--cutting and even now folks have not taken this seriously. I am glad you have highlighted it--with sweetness and grace and hope!

  18. great effort,and poetry is just a soul turning amazing art, penned.

  19. Very Nice post and so very true..I loved the line "there are many people in this world who would give ANYTHING to be in your position today"

  20. I loved the poem it's too good!! :) and about hurting yourself it is just a very stupid thing to do.. I have had friends who do it just for the pleasure of it but least do they understand that they are becoming sadistic! :) Great message! loved your blog..!! Kudos to my sweet little sister..! :)

  21. @Santu
    Wow :D. I'm glad you liked it so much :) :D.
    Hmm! Yeah My birdie is like that only :P. Sorry on its behalf :(.
    I have to agree with your points :D. They are true words :).
    Awesome poem btw :D :D

    Thanks man :).

    True words Bhavana jhi :) :D.
    Thanks a lot :D :).

    @PL JHI
    Thank you Pl jhi :) :D :D.

    @Jaish Jhi
    Thanks a lot jhi :). Glad you loved it :D :).

    @Gayu Di
    Thanks Di :D :).
    True hmm!!
    Hehehe! Thank you cho much didi :* <3 :D :).
    Lots of love :D

  22. Facing my life is far better than cutting my wrist.

  23. Love every word of this poetry... a deep and thoughtful read!

    Following you now

  24. @Twin
    Agree :D :).

    Thanks a lot :).
    Aww :D Thank you :D
