Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Blue~A Haiku

She lay watching
the big blue sky, as
Serenity took over.


Her Blue eyes
of pain, cried together with
the endless rain.

Written for Haiku Heights

Ps. The second HAIKU was not meant to Rhyme. I'm extremely sorry for posting it wrong. Will keep in mind to not do the same mistake again.


  1. OMG :) that was awesome poo !
    Haiku is pretty difficult to write
    you have done it well :)

  2. Love your take on the topic. Both are extremely good and at two ends of the spectrum.

  3. awesome Haiku's poo... :)
    first one was too good... :)

  4. @Dee
    Thanks a lot Dee :D :D.
    You always make me smile with your comments :).

    @Leo Paw
    Thanks Leo :D :D.
    Thanks a lot :).

    Thanks Cynosure jhi :D :D.
    Thank you so much :* <3

  5. Poo - Brilliant .. This is great stuff girl, don't think I can !! I particularly loved the first one ..

  6. Some of my fondest memories from childhood involve lying on my back, looking up into the sky, so your first poem affects me deeply. Thank you.

    Shadowy Blue Haiku

  7. errr... haiku doesnt rhyme dear...

  8. Absolutely stunning...Princess!
    (excuse me I'll not address you as 'Poo' unlike others..)

  9. @Sangeeta Jhi
    Thanks Jhi :D :D :).
    I'm so happy that you loved it :) :D.
    You can also write jhi :D :). Why not give it a try? ;) :D For me please? :D

    Same here jhi :).
    Glad you liked it :D :).
    Thanks :).

    It wasn't meant to :(.
    Sorry for my fault :(. Put it up on the post itself.

    @Amit Jhi
    Thank you Jhi :D :).
    Hehehe! Not a problem jhi :).
    Welcome to my world btw :) <3

  10. I loved it! Excellent, there is feel.. and emotions! Keep going princess poo :)

  11. Haiku is soooo good..!! loved it poo.. :)

  12. @Arti Deedi
    Thanks Diii :) :D.
    Hehe :D.

    @Gayathri Jhi
    Thanks jhi :).
    I'm so happy that you did :D :D

  13. i loved both the haikus especially the 2nd when rhyme or no rhyme it was still jus superb

  14. I loved your Haiku princess, very deep :)

  15. Endless rain--i like it !

  16. that wasnt necessary dear. the first haiku i wrote wasnt even a haiku :P and yes... the sky always gives a deep sense of serenity...

  17. Princess Poo you do me proud... loved it...

  18. Wow! That is so cool Princess Poo! You mastered Haiku already! you amaze me :D

  19. Nice set, specially the second one with the endless rain ~

  20. Hey nice one..haiku seems to be the in thing now :)

  21. Hey nice one..haiku seems to be the in thing now :)

  22. @Alka Jhi
    Thanks a lot jhi :D
    I'm so glad that you liked it :).

    @Mohi Dii
    Thanks a lot Dii :D :D.

    Thank you :).
    So glad that you liked it :D.

    Hehe! It was :). What if someone does the same mistake because of me? :O. Hmm! Well, everyone has to learn na? ;) :D.
    Yeah it does :D.

    @Kajal Di
    OH MY GOD :D :D. Really? :D >HUGS< That is so sweet :). *kisses* Thanks a lot di :D :).

    Thanks Jen dear :D :).
    Aah! Not mastered it yet :P.
    Still learning :).
    Aww :"> Thanks dear :D :D.
    Glad I do :).

    Thanks a lot Grace :) :D.
    Really glad that you liked it :D.

    Thanks Ana jhi :D :D :).
