Thursday, August 6, 2015

Fun at #FlipkartImageSearch #IndiMeet

IndiBlogger decided to welcome August with a big bang (or more like a Hell Yeah!) and organized this wonderful meet along with Flipkart at Hard Rock Cafe, Bangalore

Saturday mornings are reserved for laziness. How many of us would have actually seen a Saturday morning? Most of us prefer to wake up in the noon, but still more than 100 people turned out for this meet in the early hours of Saturday. (Yes! 10:30AM is early. It's Saturday!) 

It's extremely fun to meet up with your friends, especially your blogger friends as you tend to have a lot in common to talk about. After almost two years, I attended this IndiMeet. This being my 4th Meet, I had a wonderful time in meeting my old friends and had an even better time making new ones. 

The band performing.
Everyone waited with anticipation for the meet to start and were all excited when Anoop went up on the 'Karaoke Platform'. After huddling all around the platform, we were then welcomed with a big bang performance from Anoop and his team, who made the whole place move along with their fantastic music.  The tweets blasted out as soon as the performance started. Obviously! That was a 'Hell Yeah!' performance. Way to go team. Whooop!

 When the performance was over, we were introduced to Flipkart Guys and then the Introductions began. It was nice to see so many new faces, and so many old ones too. It is so fun to see so many people, the new bloggers, the experienced one, the writers, the authors, the photographers, the performers, all in one place. The meet had just begun. Soon, the Flipkart guys took over the stage and explained to us all about the #FlipkartImageSearch. 

#FlipkartImageSearch is a feature added on to the mobile app of Flipkart which allows users to click pictures of what they like and search for similar products on Flipkart. Instead of trying to describe the product or try to remember the name of it, all you have to do is snap a photo of it and then search for it through Flipkart. Even though you might not always find the exact match, you'll find products of something 90% similarity. It certainly takes the whole point of Online Shopping one step ahead. This feature makes the app more user-friendly than before, and also helps us in finding things easier and quicker as we don't have to go by description anymore and instead just show them what we are looking for.

After a demo on how to use this feature, they took up questions from us audience regarding this feature or pretty much about anything related to Flipkart. Many issues, questions and doubts came up in the process, all of which were sincerely cleared by the Flipkart Team present with us during the meet. Hats off to you guys for coming up with such a wonderful idea and also for answering everything with so much patience and helping people out.

Team 5 - aka Our Team winning the Task.
Meanwhile, we were served some scrumptious meal along with drinks, which savored our taste buds and also gave us energy for the next part of the day. The next task was #FlipkartImageSearch task. All the bloggers were divided into six groups of twenty people each. We were then asked to name a person as a Captain and the other as Vice-Captain, whereas two people as Flipkart Ambassadors who would keep in touch with IndiTeam as well as Flipkart throughout the whole task. After this was done along with naming ceremony of all the groups we were explained about what we had to do. It was simple. We were supposed to go around the room and click pictures of products, which we would then use to find the same/similar product on Flipkart App. The team with the most number of products which had the exact match was to be declared as winners. After 10 minutes of rushing around, clicking pictures, being asked if something of yours could be taken a picture of, the task came to an end, and it was time for the Flipkart Team to check out the products we had added into our wishlist and see if they were all exact matches. While most of the teams managed to get around 20-25 matches, our team, that is Team 5 managed to get 35+ exact matches (after which they stopped counting). It was truly a 'Hell Yeah!' moment for our team.

When I bagged myself a Flipkart Voucher
In the midst of it all, few people were called out for being awesome, and were told that they were going to get Flipkart Vouchers for being that awesome. (Cool right?) Anyway, I think it's really cool to be one of them, because my silly little tweet bagged me a voucher, and also a joke from Anoop which actually made me consider changing my name on Twitter. Haha! Good one there Zombie!

Who uses Flipkart App? Everyone raises their hand.

Unfortunately, like all good things, even this meet had to come to an end. While half of us rushed to get our copies of '10 love stories' with the author's autograph, the other half had vanished behind the food counter. Honestly, the brownie with vanilla ice cream was like a cherry on top of a perfect day. The meet concluded with HRC team dancing for the classic, YMCA. 

All in all, it was an amazing Saturday thanks to all the Blogger Friends and the IndiTeam. We found it to be informative as well as fun, and this meet definitely goes in the bag of 'Best IndiMeets of all time'. Way to go IndiTeam, Flipkart Team, as well as HRC Team. Thanks for a wonderful time, and we hope to see all of you again soon.



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