Sunday, March 22, 2015

Small things in Life

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It's only at the end, that we remember the beginning.

Now that 3 years of college life is coming to an end, all I can do is think back about every single day that I enjoyed in these three wonderful years. No matter what I do, these days won't come back, and what they say, it is true, College days are the most wonderful days of life.

Now when I look back, the first thing that comes to my mind are those small things that happened throughout these years. The moments which I thought will linger in my mind forever, are actually the last of memories to visit my mind; whereas the moments which I never thought I'll remember are the ones which visit first and also the ones which leaves a huge smile on my face.

The best of the memories are the times when me and my friends used to run to canteen during break to buy snacks and cold drinks, and used to find that there was a shortage of coca-cola for the day. So, we had to share. With 2 bottles of coca-cola on the table, and 5 people on a chair around it, it used to be a game of 'Dog-and-the-Bone' every time. Who can pick up the bottle and manage to gulp down huge sips before the others found out? There were times when we used to miss classes because none of us were able to pick up those bottles without others noticing, and leaving before the bottle was empty, was not something we used to do.

Another memory which comes to mind is when we used to sit in the last benches of our class and used to open our boxes during the class time, and eat food while our lecturers were writing on board. It's an immense joy to sneak food all through the class and eat while the lecturer is busy teaching. And when someone in the front benches get caught, teasing them is even more fun.

With life on fast track mode, I realized that moments like college fest, meant less important than, playing music in class and the whole class dancing for it, or planning and executing a mass bunk just because we were feeling lazy to attend classes, or even a simple day at class where we used to sit and gossip with our lecturers about their lives or their time in the staff room.

Now that these wonderful days are almost at an end, I wish I could go back, just to live all these small moments yet again, because they meant the most to me. After all, it is the little things which makes the big difference. 

I would really like to thank the Coca-Cola Community for giving me this wonderful opportunity to cherish these memories of a lifetime, and pen them down so that it could be remembered forever.



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