Friday, November 30, 2012

Shop till "I" Drop!

Are you straining to hear those weird girl shrieks that girls do whenever someone says Shopping? Well, don't worry; I'm not one of them. Actually I'm not into shopping at all. Whether it’s for me or someone else, shopping is not something I really enjoy.

But now I ain't got an option. Why? You ask, because all my brothers have decided to get married. And my mom says that I'm not allowed to wear the same dress for everyone's marriage and Pant & Top is a total NO! So I've got to go shop now. For 3 marriages! Can you believe it? Anyway, my mom was eating my head off to go shop, so I thought, why not decide what I want to buy here only and then go get them. I mean, it would save so much time.

So, I open Shoppers Stop. Everyone knows they have loads of variety, and I usually go to Shoppers Stop to get my tops as they have really good quality ones. 

Well me and my brother sit together and go through the hundreds of clothes put up on display in the site, and finally we come up with 3 dresses each for the 3 marriages we have got to attend. Our choices may look really weird or totally messy, so we would like to know what you think about it before we actually go and buy them.

A black and cream Salwaar, perfect for the marriage. Comfortable enough for me to be worn doesn’t have much weight, which makes it easier for me to more around during the marriage doing the last minute preparations. It is Beautiful enough to make me look Gorgeous. And what more? It is considerably cheap and a very good quality material. 

I can not only wear this for marriage but also during fests in my college. This classic beauty will surely make me look good.

An Indigo colored Insense frill dress. A perfect dress to get me glowing during the glorious times when I get to dance.
Comfortable, Classy and awesome. What else does a girl need to show off her beauty and elegant poise?
I'm pretty sure I'll be using this dress more often than I intend to, cause I have some super seniors who keep throwing parties where we have to dance. So yay!
Its time to Party!! 

Okay! I'll try not to be too dramatic, but OH MY GOD! Just look at that top. Simple and elegant. How I love it!
I'm a big fan of black dresses, and this top just makes me want to love black more and more.
BLACK BEAUTY! The perfect phrase for this perfect top.
I can wear it anytime and anywhere. Where can you get such a beauty for such a reasonable price.
I'm wondering why I'm still writing this while I could have gone and bought this beauty.

 Its time for ACCESSORIES!!

 Remember how I told you I'm not into shopping? Yeah! I seriously am not, but I just love looking at the beautiful accessories. What? I'm a girl.

Look at this watch. I just can't take my eyes off it. Did you see the dresses I selected above? This watch is a perfect match for all of them. I mean, just look at it! It'll go with any dress.
And that color combination! Black and Silver! Wow! Just BEAUTIFUL. 
If I buy it, I'd keep waving my hand as if I'm going to see the time even if I don't have to, because I'd just like to show it off.

Sweet baby Jesus! Whoever designed this bag, please know that I love you from the bottom of my heart. Who wouldn't love this adorable little piece of beauty. The color, the design, and those flowers. Wow! Having Black Rose as my most favorite flower, I'd say this black flower doesn't look so bad as well.
I just really hope that this bad is available for sale when I go out for shopping, cause it'd be the first thing that I would buy.

I think you all have gotten the gist about how much I love black, but still, you can't deny that this is spectacular, right?
I was going through the list of sunglasses, you know looking at them one by one, and I found this. Once I did, all I could think of was, how cool and stylish I'd look wearing this. And also was trying to count the number of guys that would be behind me. I'd look really cool after wearing this, not like my usual nerdy style.

Love is in the Air! Obviously, yeah because I'm going to attend marriages, but those EAR RINGS! For a minute I'd seriously wish to convert myself into this girly type of girl and shriek out for this ear rings. I think my heart just skipped a beat looking at it. Oh! How I wish I a little older and had a special someone for myself who would gift me this, and then I'd start crying because its so beautiful.
Now I think I'm going to cry because I don't have that special someone. Anyway, coming back to point! Is anyone going to gift me these? I'm going to love you forever. Pinky Promise ♥.

asdfghjkl!! Wondering what that is? That is a type of Fangirling. Girls usually do it for their famous celebrities, but there is no such rule that its only meant for guys okay? 
Wait for a few minutes as I fangirl more over this belt, which I think is superawesomehot! Oh! By the way, that's also another fangirl line!
Look at the style! ♥ I'm so going to buy this one! Eeps!!

Umm! So, that's the end of my shopping list. Woah! That's way too big of a list. Guess I went a little overboard with excitement. Now, I seriously hope this excitement stays till I actually finish my real shopping.
Anyway, I'm actually waiting to own every single one of these. Because they are not only beautiful themselves, but I'm pretty sure they'll make me look more beautiful as well.

Last but not the least, Thanks a lot Indiblogger and Shoppers Stop for giving me this wonderful opportunity to go crazy about shopping. You might have actually turned this shopping-hating-girl to a I-can-shop girl. Thank you so much.