Saturday, March 3, 2012


I remember that day very well. It was 2 years ago, when I was in my 10th. It was going to be my Last March, along with my friends. It was October 2nd, Gandhi Jayanthi. And just like every year, this year also our school had decided to take us on a MARCH though Bangalore, in order to raise people's awareness about Gandhi.

We had been asked to be present at 5:30 in the morning. 5:30AM for god's sake!! I would have just fallen into a nice Dream!! How our teachers love to ruin our dreams na? Anyways, I couldn't escape it, and I didn't want to escape it. As I told you before it was my last chance to do this. After that day, even if I myself begged, I wouldn't be allowed to do it, So yeah! I had to go.

The road to school. Picture Courtesy:Google.

I woke up at 5 and then woke up my Dearest Daddy to take me to school. And the road was just the same as in the picture. It was like walking in a zombie land!! And trust me, my dad didn't make it any easier. I kept on talking and talking to him and he didn't even respond. I guess he was sleep walking!! (Thats a bit scary, right?).

Anyways, I just keep on talking so that I wouldn't get scared. Not the night guys, my teacher was walking right in front of me. I was afraid she would turn into a zombie and eat me up! [I should stop watching movies :-/]. I reach school at 5:30 and to my surprise, everyone was already there. Gosh! People go crazy at times.

What more crazy was that we decided to surprise our teachers, and took our positions. Me, being a (really bad) singer, joined the school singing group in their position. We stood there and chit-chatted.
Our teachers came and my oh my! They had a heart attack. Our Headmistress looked as if she could kiss us all.

Finally, our PT SIR joined us, and it was decided that we would start the march at 6:30. So, we stood there waiting for the time to pass, and scorning at our teachers for disturbing our lovely sleep. As it was still dark we couldn't play anything and chit-chat was our only time-pass.

Rising Sun. Image Courtesy:Google.
At precisely 6, Something wonderful happened. We were all staring at sky, trying to count the stars(we are that awesome :P) and suddenly, there was light. The sun was rising. The DEAD DARKNESS was now slowly fading and Light had taken its place. Everything looked beautiful. Flock of birds started to fly. It was like living in a Painting. The beauty of it, made us all smile. Its not everyday we see such a thing. It was a Nature Miracle.

That day, not only did we SEE a MIRACLE but learned something from it. No matter how much troubles we face in life, sometime the LIGHT will shine. It will erase all the darkness and Bring a smile to our face, just as it did then.

The beauty of nature cannot be expressed in words. The joy of experiencing it that day, is something I'll never forget. The feeling I had, the Happiness I felt, the Peace there was around. Just Splendid. Nature teaches us a lot, doesn't it?

This is my take for the IndiBlogger Contest. Click HERE to Submit your post.


  1. ANother entry :D you have decided something :D
    I loved the way you started :)
    good luck again..

    The beauty of nature cannot be expressed in words.
    You have tried and it has come WELL :D

  2. hey ...nice post and very beautiful pictures....all the best for the contest

  3. @Dee
    Hahaha :P
    Decided nothing man ;) :D.
    I just posted my experience ;) :D.
    I don't want the prize :D.
    I got a chance to remember this all again :D :).

    Thanks a lot <3 :D ;).
    Thanks for encouragement as well ;) :D.

    @Seema jhi
    Thanks a lot <3 :D :).
    Thank you very much :).

  4. narrated very well, I felt that I was also a part of that..... :)

  5. nice account pooja . . all the best for the contest :)

  6. beautifully written..seeing a sunrise is indeed a miracle:)

  7. @AD
    Thank you :).
    I'm glad you felt that :D.

    @Maliny jhi
    Thank you :D :).
    Thanks a lot :D :).

    @Kajal Jhi
    Yeah na? :).
    Thanks a lot :D


  9. Nature does have a way of teaching us things.. indeed, there is no better way to learn! Nice post, dear.. All the very best to you :)

  10. @Akash
    Thanks Aaku :D :).

    @Prabhavathi Jhi
    Wow :D. Thanks a lot jhi :D ;).

    @Arti Deedi
    Yes it is Di :).
    Aww <3 :D Thanks a lot :D :).
    Same to you ;) :D

  11. WOW! Good luck sweet POO!:) Even a ray of light dispels the dark! So true! :)

  12. Thanks Jen :D :) ;).
    Yeah :D :).
    Thanks again <3

  13. The music of nature is actually grasping. But sadly, it's ruined when the whole mankind gains conscious.

  14. Yeah it is :) :D.
    I know :( Its extremely sad :(
