Thursday, December 15, 2011


As I walk out the door,
The sunshine falls on my face;
And I hide my feelings in my deepest shadows,
As I move my way.

I get loads of smiles,
And some winks from my friends.
As I smile back and greet them,
I feel the pain that is inside.

Now I wish I could run,
And never look back.
To go to a place,
Where my dreams come alive.

Its time for you to know,
That there is much more inside of me.
Than the normal girl you see,
Whom you've taken to be me.

Deep down inside,
I'm more innocent and sensitive.
But that's the real me,
And from now on, That's how I'll be.

I'm sick and tired of all these smiles,
Which I've faked this long.
The lonliness Inside of me,
Is starting to grow strong.

And One day, I'll leave, leave forever.
In the beginning it may pain,
But everone will learn to move on.
As I'm just a girl, Who was meant to be gone.!


  1. I'm sick and tired of all these smiles,
    Which I've faked this long.
    The lonliness Inside of me,
    Is starting to grow strong.

    its very true with me also ............

    Now I wish I could run,
    And never look back.
    To go to a place,
    Where my dreams come alive.

    Its time for you to know,
    That there is much more inside of me.
    Than the normal girl you see,
    Whom you've taken to be me.

    each line in this is damn meaningful... i am just loving this poem .. super like

  2. i am still in this peom hangover ... just cant come out of it .. feeling like to read and analyse again and again ..

  3. Hehehe :)
    Thanks a lot :).
    When I first wrote it and then read it I was like, "I dont think this is something which should be called as poem. This is like whole bunch of nothing".
    After reading your comment I dont know what to say :)
    Thanks a lot :). It meant a lot to me :D :).
    And lol :). Hehe :D. I didnt know my poem had such an attractive stance ;)

  4. yeah .. you explained about loneliness quite very well ... and when we start to analyse each lines, it gives so meaning and you will start to enjoy it, feel it and will definitely read again n again.. i have already kept copy of it in document for myself :)just to read again n again ..

  5. Beautiful beautiful! And I know how you feel...I do the 'perpetual veil' thing all the darn time.

    But you are not the girl who was meant to be gone. You're here to stay.

    Keep posting!!!


  6. Thanks Antara.
    Oh! A partner in loneliness :P.
    Awww. I Hope so.
    Thank you :D :).

  7. we are all in the same boat then Pooja.. join the club...
    hope is a bubble none can burst
    one, i have hidden deep inside me
    in a world far away from the makeshift falseness i live,
    in a world i am MYSELF, something none can see...

    lets never give up okay?? pian will come and go, life never does(okay i cant BELIEVE i am saying all this :P)
    one day you, me and Antara and other sensitive
    fools will find a better place to live in... till then... keep smiling :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @Kirti
    Wow nice words :)
    hehe! Yeah I know.

    I hope so :).
    Thanks a lot :).

  10. totally dosent suit u.. :-/ get rid of these feelings . these feelings will come and go but frnds will be thr fr u forever. :D trust them and enjoy ur life. :)

  11. you know i find poetry extremely difficult to pen but you've made it look so seamless here.
    very nicely written poem

  12. its painful but i like it... very simple, very you. I like it

    Take care and keep writing.......

  13. live in hope that life would give you a fair chance, fair chance to souls and hearts that deserve it.
    Yet, the path of hope is painful more than seldom.

    sometimes, the world does need to understand when we say "leave me alone".

    a beautiful, melancholic poem. i hard to accept.that someone doesn't see what we are on the insides.

    people like, they love guys who are bad on the insides.. and people like, they don't even FEEL THE PRESENCE of guys with GOOD INSIDES..

    the same the other way too..unless someone who knows what true love is, one hardly understands what the other's true inside is.

    raise you spirits up. have hope.
    and my part, i just hope you are not hurt because of a bad guy. or simply, i hope THAT GUY isn't a BAD GUY..

    im sorry if i have talked too much, but there is really so much i could tell people about these heart-love-pain issues..

    take care..

  14. @Sujata Jhi
    Thank you :).
    Its all blessings of people like you :).

    Hehehe! Thanks man :)

    No its not much :).

  15. Wonderful lines...Very touching!
    Happy blogging :)

    village girl

  16. Sigh. the sad ending was quite sad :) Lovely poem :)

  17. Lovely thought indeed.. but not the end i expected it to be..!! :) Good job though

  18. @Roopz
    Thanks dear :).

    Thank you :).

    Thanks :).
    You expected Happy Ending? :)

  19. oh hey, i posted a comment here, seems it didnt appear. anyways, i nominated you for "versatile blogger award" here is the post

  20. @Satish thanks :)

    It is there dear :).
    OMG :O Thanks a lot <3

  21. very well penned...i have a penchant for writing poetry...and i am always on a look out for reading some interesting very well penned...good job and thank you for sharing

  22. @TFP
    I'm really glad you liked it :).
    Welcome to my world :).
    Hope you like your stay here :).

    Thanks <3

  23. That was such an adorable poem !! Especially the last two paras are so touching.And those pictures are simply WOW!:) Loneliness can make us brim with creative avenues right!! :)

  24. @Jen
    Thank you Jen <3 :D :).
    Yup, it does ;) :D.
    Thanks once again dear :).
